ON 08th MARCH 2013
The next round of core committee
meeting of advisers, board of studies members and the subject wise conveners
will be held on 8th March 2013 at the Department of Education Hall,
Thycadu, Thiruvananthapuram from 10 am to 4 pm to finalize the
vision/conceptual views document and the structure of the proposed new B.Ed.
curriculum of University of Kerala to be drafted in the design workshop in
April 2013. The views and opinions of the previous conceptualisation workshop will
be amalgamated to formulate the outcome of this core committee meeting. All the
respected members of the core committee are whole-heartedly invited. Opinions
or contributions are earnestly solicited from the honourable blog-readers to
make the present revision a National Model to be emulated.
There must be a rethinking and reshaping of the types, amount and nature of written assignments in the B.Ed. curriculum. All the stakeholders who are directly or indirectly involved in the current B.Ed. curriculum revision process of University of Kerala must come up with new models and practical solutions on the written assignement part of our curriculum load